Our Human Resources Policy

“Our main objective in Human Resources Management is to work with individuals who are willing to contribute to our company’s success. We believe in efficiently directing our human resources and creating opportunities for professional development. Our goal is to empower and develop our employees while ensuring the achievement of our company’s goals.”

Our team’s philosophy is to add value to stakeholders by working together.

  • Being aware of quality and continuous improvement,
  • Approaching innovation with respect for people and the environment

Training and Development

Investing in our greatest value, our employees, is a top priority at KAYA-PEN. We evaluate our employees’ technical, organizational, and individual development needs to achieve this.

Our main goal is to prepare our employees for advancement opportunities, develop their potential, support their technical and personal growth, and create training plans aligned with corporate strategy and objectives.

Training phases are planned, monitored, and evaluated in three different areas: technical, managerial, and personal development.

Recruitment Procedure

KAYA-PEN plans its recruitment process every year based on the company’s development and organizational requirements, with a focus on hiring the right person for the right job. The company provides its employees with both vertical and horizontal career growth opportunities, allowing them to work in different roles and climb up the career ladder.

Our company’s recruitment process begins by reviewing the applications we receive. We pre-select candidates based on their CVs and invite those who meet our criteria for job interviews. During the interview, we evaluate the candidates based on their skills and experience relevant to the position they are applying for. Finally, we select the most suitable candidate for the job.

In the KAYA-PEN family, every employee is valued equally, and all candidates are considered valuable.


Job Application Form

* Send your CVs to insankaynaklari@kayapen.com.tr !